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The learning and development (L&D) desk of the wine industry, which is situated at Winetech, is responsible for the implementation of the L&D strategy.
The strategy includes that all employees have access to occupational development with the purpose to prepare them as professionals within the industry. It also includes the following:
- Providing strategic direction for learning and development.
- Strategically position the learning and development desk.
- Prioritise and provisioning of critical and scarce skills development initiatives in the industry to ensure purposeful skills development initiatives.
- Facilitate strategic access to funding opportunities.
The milestone timeline below indicates important milestones since the development of the strategy until 2019.
Milestone timeline.
The importance of L&D to industry
A recent survey on L&D demonstrated that there is a clear business case for L&D and none of the stakeholders questioned the importance of L&D for wine companies. L&D is seen as extremely important in terms of driving productivity by means of skills development. A clear L&D strategy is necessary for a wine business to function effectively. The business case for L&D is encapsulated in Table 1 with the benefits for wine companies as indicated during the interviews:
Industry analysis
During February and May 2019 an analysis was done of the current learning and development strategy and approaches in the wine industry. The analysis revealed current gaps and opportunities for improvement for achieving maximum impact for wine producers. Five key priorities were identified that will be incorporated into the L&D strategy:
- Transformation: Transforming wine producers into representative companies in terms of BBBEE and effective and profitable business based on a clear L&D business case.
- Talent: Acquiring, developing, deploying, retaining and optimising talent in the wine industry.
- Training: Empowering staff with the right skills to execute business strategy.
- Transfer: Skills must be transferred from the learning situation to the workplace.
- Targets: L&D is positioned to ensure that business and BBBEE targets are met with an explicit focus on achieving rand value ROI for the wine industry.
Some training that was funded
- Viticulture farmworker training (57 farm workers).
- Assessor training (5 assessors).
- Generic Management NQF Level 4 (10 employees).
- Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice (bursary).
- Garagiste short course (10 black-owned brands).
Industry tools
South African Wine and Brandy Learner Management System (LMS): Training audit tool
The LMS is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of education.
Who will benefit by using the LMS?
Industry organisations
- Accurately report on training.
- Analyse training trends.
- Inform education institutions.
- Attract new entrants.
Industry members
- Find vetted training providers in each area.
- Upskill employers.
- Monitor trends.
- Avoid training duplication.
- Training dashboard.
Training service providers
- Advertise services to industry.
- Upload any certification.
- Electronic CV.
- Tracking of training.
- Proof of employment.
New feature: A workplace in need of a Skills Development Facilitator (SDF)
- We link employers to SDF’s available in their area.
– For more information, visit the LMS website at www.sawineandbrandylms.info or email lms@winetech.co.za.
South African Wine Industry Professional Body (SAWIPB): Career development tool
This professional body was established for the advancement of occupations, the promotion of knowledge and to protect the employer (consumer) and public interest by ensuring that members perform to a known standard.
The aim of the professional body is to:
- Promote and build on the professional status of its members and recognise the expertise of those it represents.
- Work closely with training bodies and tertiary institutions to ensure that qualifications provide the skills needed in the industry.
- Provide a forum for networking between workers and the exchange of information and ideas.
- Develop models of best practice.
- Advocate on industrial issues.
- Be a voice in the media about worker issues.
- Provide professional development opportunities.
– For more information, visit the SAWIPB website at www.sawipb.co.za or email info@sawipb.co.za.